Idea Therapy™

Have a thought about something you want to do and just want to pick Dr. Smith’s brain? That’s what Idea Therapy is all about. Idea Therapy is available in individual and packaged sessions to give you space to brainstorm with a trusted and experienced sounding board. Though Idea Therapy is industry-agnostic, here are few groups and industries that have benefitted from sessions:
  • College and University professors looking for innovative approaches to teaching, research, and/or service
  • Higher education administrators in need of ideas for programming for first gen students, BIPOC students, and experiential learning activities
  • Small business owners in the midst of a pivot from their current focus
  • Researchers (independent and university affiliated) who need help crafting a brand for public scholarship
  • Local municipal government who want to create targeted information media resources
  • Large corporations who desire to increase their efficiency and profitability through diversity
  • Individuals in need of mentorship, life coaching, career advising, etc.

“It’s hard to put into words what Dr. Smith has done for me and my business. Before my idea therapy session, I was chasing every trend and fad in the crafting space with no sense of real direction. As a result, I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on unnecessary equipment, inventory, and classes that didn’t align with my true purpose.

After one session with her, we were able to clearly define who we are as a business and what we offer with our products and services. This was pivotal for us because we are now able to easily identify what opportunities we should align ourselves with. The peace that comes with easy decision making is absolutely priceless.

I highly recommend Idea Therapy for anyone who needs help with getting unstuck in their business. We’ve been moving full steam ahead every since our session and looking forward to continuous business growth in the near future and beyond.”

Sharmene Smith

CEO/Founder, BGT Gifts


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